
美 [t?t?]英 [t?t?]
  • v.触摸;接触;碰;触及
  • n.触摸;碰;触觉;触感
  • 网络棒球英豪;触摸未来

第三人称单数:touches 现在分词:touching 过去式:touched



v. n.

用手或身体部位with hand/part of body

1.[t]~ sb/sth触摸;碰to put your hand or another part of your body onto sb/sth

无间隙no space between

2.[i][t]接触;触及to be or come so close together that there is no space between

移动东西;打人move sth/hit sb

3.[t]~ sth/sb移动;碰到;打(人);使受伤to move sth, especially in such a way that you damage it; to hit or harm sb

影响某人╱某事物affect sb/sth

4.[t]~ sb/sth (to do sth)感动;触动;使同情to make sb feel upset or sympathetic

5.[t]~ sb/sth影响;与…有关to affect or concern sb/sth


6.[t]~ sth吃;喝;使用to eat, drink or use sth

与…等同equal sb

7.[t]~ sb与…媲美;比得上;抵得过to be as good as sb in skill, quality, etc.

达到水平reach level

8.[t]~ sth达到(某一水平等)to reach a particular level, etc.

被牵涉be involved with

9.[t]~ sth/sb与…有关;从事;与…共事to become connected with or work with a situation or person

微笑of smile

10.[t]~ sth(在脸上)闪现,掠过to be seen on sb's face for a short time


be touched with sth

略微带点儿;轻微呈现to have a small amount of a particular quality

not touch sb/sth with a bargepole

决不与…有任何牵扯;拒不牵扯到…中去to refuse to get involved with sb/sth or in a particular situation

touch base (with sb)

再次联系to make contact with sb again

touch bottom

触到水底to reach the ground at the bottom of an area of water

touch wood

(表示希望继续走好运)used when you have just mentioned some way in which you have been lucky in the past, to avoid bringing bad luck


牛津小学英语5B单词、词组归纳_百度文库 ... stop 停止 touch 触摸 order 命令 ...


遇字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 遇合;投合〖 meetandgetalongwell〗 接触〖 contact;touch〗 际遇;机会〖 chance;opportunity〗 ...


棒球英豪》(Touch)[XTM.DVD-HALFCD2][TV版101话全][台配国语/日语][支持PSP][DVDRip]《化物语》(Bakemonogatari)[09 …


天涯小筑 | 您通向英语电视世界的中文门户 ... Thundercats 霹雳猫 Touch 触摸未来 Treme 劫后余生 ...


英语常用动词_百度文库 ... shake v. 摇动, 摇, 颤抖, 震动 touch n. 触, 触觉, 接触, 联系, 轻触 teach v. 讲授, 教授 ...

英文字根_百度百科 ... 510、tort = twist 扭曲 511、touch = touch 摸, 513、tox = poison 毒 ...




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