
美 [hɑrd]英 [hɑ?(r)d]
  • adv.努力地;艰难地;费力地;猛烈地
  • adj.坚固的;坚硬的;结实的;难做的
  • n.〈英〉硬海滩;〈英俚〉(囚犯的)强迫苦役
  • 网络更猛;更努力;更难

比较级:harder 最高级:hardest




1.坚固的;坚硬的;结实的solid, firm or stiff and difficult to bend or break


2.难做的;难懂的;难以回答的difficult to do, understand or answer

3.困苦的;艰苦的;艰难的full of difficulty and problems, especially because of a lack of money

费力;用力needing/using effort

4.耗费体力(或脑力)的;辛苦的needing or using a lot of physical strength or mental effort

5.努力的;勤劳的putting a lot of effort or energy into an activity

6.用力的;猛烈的done with a lot of strength or force

缺乏同情心without sympathy

7.冷酷无情的;硬心肠的;苛刻的showing no sympathy or affection

不畏惧not afraid

8.(informal)准备战斗的;不软弱退缩的ready to fight and showing no signs of fear or weakness


9.[obn]确凿的;可证实的;可靠的definitely true and based on information that can be proved


10.寒冷的;凛冽的very cold and severe


11.[obn]酒精浓度高的;烈性的strongly alcoholic


12.硬的(含钙及镁等可溶性盐较多)containing calcium and other mineral salts that make mixing with soap difficult


be hard on sb/sth

严厉对待,严格批评(某人或某事)to treat or criticize sb in a very severe or strict way

drive/strike a hard bargain

狠狠地杀价to argue in an aggressive way and force sb to agree on the best possible price or arrangement

give sb a hard time

给某人找茬儿;使某人不好过to deliberately make a situation difficult and unpleasant for sb

hard and fast

板上钉钉;不容更改that cannot be changed in any circumstances

(as) hard as nails

冷酷无情;铁石心肠;毫无惧色showing no sympathy, kindness or fear

hard cheese

(常作反话)太不幸了,真够倒霉used as a way of saying that you are sorry about sth, usually ironically(= you really mean the opposite)

hard going

难懂;费力difficult to understand or needing a lot of effort

hard luck/lines

(表示惋惜)真遗憾,太不幸了used to tell sb that you feel sorry for them

the hard way

通过痛苦的经历;通过出错by having an unpleasant experience or by making mistakes

make hard work of sth

在某事上耗费过多时间(或精力);费冤枉力to use more time or energy on a task than is necessary

no hard feelings

(向争论或打败的对方表示继续友好)别往心里去,别记恨used to tell sb you have been arguing with or have beaten in a contest that you would still like to be friendly with them

play hard to get

故作姿态;故意摆谱;佯装拿架子to make yourself seem more attractive or interesting by not immediately accepting an invitation to do sth

too much like hard work

太费力needing too much effort


风电词汇 ... ladle 杓子, 长柄杓 harder 硬的, 坚固的, (问题, 工作等)困难的, kit 成套工具, 用具包, 工具箱, 成套用具 ...


中文翻... ... Into the future cybertron / 身处变形金刚的故乡塞伯特朗 Harder,faster,better,stronger / 更猛,更快,更好,更强 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... earlier 更早 harder 更努力 eastern 东方的 ...


五年级上册词汇_msdeng_新浪博客 ... (faster) 快的;快地 (harder) 刻苦地;努力地 (bigger) 胖的,大的 ...


语数外题目(高手回答)_百度知道 ... forget 忘记 harder更难) island( 小岛) ...


1998年阅读真题精解_Yellow_新浪博客 ... 5. revival 复苏 6. harder 更难的 7. assume 认为;假定;承担;担任 ...




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