
美 [fr?nt]英 [fr?nt]
  • n.前面;前线;正面;阵线
  • v.面向;在…前面;朝;用…作正面
  • adj.前面的;前部的;在前的;正面的
  • adv.在[向]前面
  • 网络前视图;前通

复数:fronts 现在分词:fronting 过去式:fronted



前部;前部位置forward part/position

1.[c][ususing]正面the part or side of sth that faces forward; the side of sth that you look at first

2.[sing]前面;正前方the position that is in the direction that sb/sth is facing

3.[sing]前部the part of sth that is furthest forward


4.[sing]身体前部;胸部the part of sb's body that faces forwards; sb's chest

建筑物的面side of building

5.[c]the west, north, south, east, etc. ~(建筑物,尤指教堂朝西、北、东、南等的)面the side of a large building, especially a church, that faces west, north, etc.

海边;湖边edge of sea/lake

6.[sing]海滨;湖畔;河边;沿海(或湖、河)道路the road or area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake or a river

战争in war

7.[c][ususing]前线;前方an area where fighting takes place during a war

活动领域area of activity

8.[c]活动领域;阵线a particular area of activity

隐藏感情hiding true feelings

9.[sing]表面;外表behaviour that is not genuine, done in order to hide your true feelings or opinions

掩盖非法活动hiding sth illegal

10.[c][ususing]~ (for sth)非法(或秘密)活动掩护者a person or an organization that is used to hide an illegal or secret activity

政治组织political organization

11.[sing](用于政治组织的名称)阵线used in the names of some political organizations


12.[c](冷暖空气团接触的)锋the line where a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air


front and center

在(或进入)最重要位置in or into the most important position

in front

在前面in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away

in front of

在…前面in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away

out front

(剧院等)观众席;(餐厅等)座席in the part of a theatre, restaurant, etc. where the public sits

up front

预付;先付as payment in advance


七年级英语单词表 ... between 介于---之间 front 前面;前边 in front of 在---前面 ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Frequency 频率 Front 前;前视图;正面 Front Length 正面长度 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... from prep. 从;从 …… 起;距;来自 front a. 前面的;前部的 fruit n. 水果;果实 ...


前字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 前不久〖 late〗 前部front〗 前舱〖 forehold〗 ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室 front n. 前面;前部;前线 house n. 房子,住宅 ...


AE中英文对照 ... Custom.... → 自定义 Front前视图 Left → 左视图 ...


前通FRONT)仿皮本(莱尼纹封面)DV69-A501(蓝色)(1*2本)11.88 11.88 前通(Front)记事本(钻石纹)#DW01-B501 65.00 72.…




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