
美 [fɑr]英 [fɑ?(r)]
  • adv.远;远远;大大;久
  • adj.较远的;远端的;远方的;遥远的
  • 网络非常;久远的

比较级:farther 比较级:further 最高级:farthest 最高级:furthest




1.远a long distance away

2.(问到或谈及距离时说)有多远,远(至)used when you are asking or talking about the distance between two places or the distance that has been travelled or is to be travelled


3.久;远a long time from the present; for a large part of a particular period of time


4.非常;很大程度上;远远;大大very much; to a great degree

5.(问到或谈及程度时说)有多大,直(至)used when you are asking or talking about the degree to which sth is true or possible


6.进展程度used to talk about how much progress has been made in doing or achieving sth


as far as the eye can/could see

极目所尽to the horizon (= where the sky meets the land or sea)

as far as I know|as far as I can remember, see, tell, etc.

就我所知;尽我所记得的;依我看used to say that you think you know, remember, understand, etc. sth but you cannot be completely sure, especially because you do not know all the facts

as/so far as I am concerned

就我而言used to give your personal opinion on sth

as/so far as sb/sth is concerned|as/so far as sb/sth goes

就…而言used to give facts or an opinion about a particular aspect of sth

as/so far as it goes

在一定程度上(通常指不足)to a limited degree, usually less than is sufficient

by far

大大地;…得多by a great amount

carry/take sth too far

做得过分to continue doing sth beyond reasonable limits

far and away

远为;大大地by a very great amount

far and wide

到处;各处;广泛over a large area

far be it from me to do sth (but…)

(要表示不同意和批评但又希望对方感到自己并非真正想要这样做)used when you are just about to disagree with sb or to criticize them and you would like them to think that you do not really want to do this

far from sth/from doing sth

几乎相反;远非almost the opposite of sth or of what is expected

far from it

完全相反;绝非;远非如此used to say that the opposite of what sb says is true

go far

有远大前程to be very successful in the future

go far enough

达到目的to achieve all that is wanted

go so/as far as to…

竟然;甚至to be willing to go to extreme or surprising limits in dealing with sth

go too far|go this/that far

走得太远;做得过分to behave in an extreme way that is not acceptable

in so/as far as

到…程度;在…范围to the degree that

not far off/out/wrong

几乎正确almost correct

not go far

不够买,买不了(许多东西)to not be enough to buy a lot of things

so far|thus far

到目前为止;迄今为止;到这点为止until now; up to this point

so far

仅到一定程度;只在有限范围内only to a limited degree

so far, so good

到目前为止,一切还算顺利used to say that things have been successful until now and you hope that they will continue to be successful, but you know that the task, etc. is not finished yet

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