
美 [re?z]英 [re?z]
  • v.提升;增加;培养;举起
  • n.加薪;工资增长
  • 网络提高;饲养;筹集

第三人称单数:raises 现在分词:raising 过去式:raised



v. n.

提升move upwards

1.~ sth提升;举起;提起to lift or move sth to a higher level

2.~ sth/sb/yourself (+ adv./prep.)(使)直立,站立to move sth/sb/yourself to a vertical position


3.~ sth (to sth)增加,提高(数量、水平等)to increase the amount or level of sth

筹募钱财;征集人员collect money/people

4.~ sth筹募;征集;召集;组建to bring or collect money or people together; to manage to get or form sth

提及主题mention subject

5.~ sth提及;提起(课题)to mention sth for people to discuss or sb to deal with


6.~ sth引起;导致;使出现to cause or produce sth; to make sth appear


7.抚养;养育;培养to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself

牲畜;农作物farm animals/crops

8.~ sth饲养;培育;种植to breed particular farm animals; to grow particular crops

终止end sth

9.~ sth终止,解除(约束)to end a restriction on sb/sth

无线电;电话on radio/phone

10.~ sb(通过无线电或电话)与…取得联系,和…通话to contact sb and speak to them by radio or telephone

死人dead person

11.~ sb (from sth)使起死回生;使复活to make sb who has died come to life again

纸牌游戏in card games

12.~ sb sth在(另一玩牌人)基础上加注to make a higher bet than another player in a card game


13.~ sth to the power of sth使自乘(若干次)to multiply an amount by itself a particular number of times


raise a/your hand against/to sb

打人;威胁要打人to hit or threaten to hit sb

raise the bar

提高标准to set a new, higher standard of quality or performance

raise your eyebrows (at sth)

扬起眉毛(表示不赞同或惊讶)to show that you disapprove of or are surprised by sth

raise your glass (to sb)

举杯祝酒to hold up your glass and wish sb happiness, good luck, etc. before you drink

raise hell

愤怒抗议;(尤指)大吵大闹to protest angrily, especially in a way that causes trouble for sb

raise the roof

(在屋内)大声喧闹,闹翻天to produce or make sb produce a lot of noise in a building, for example by shouting or cheering

raise sbs spirits

使振奋;使鼓起勇气to make sb feel more cheerful or brave


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... bone n 骨;骨头 raise vt 举起;提高;唤起;饲养 △ advice n 忠告, 建议 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... bone n 骨;骨头 raise vt 举起;提高;唤起;饲养 △ advice n 忠告, 建议 △ ...


走进狗狗网--纯种狗中文专门网Dog.IntoPet.com ... 百科 Cyclopedia 饲养 Raise 繁殖 Breeding ...


筹字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 筹议〖 consult〗 筹集raise(money)〗 筹办〖 makepreparations;makearrangements〗 ...

yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 47,juven=young 年轻,年少 49,lev=raise 举, 50,liber=free 自由 ...


美女上错身 S1E01 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... career: 事业 raise: 抚养 unconditionally: 无条件地 ...


法律词汇_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... 提案上诉 legal an appeal 提出 raise 提出反对 lodge an objection ...




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