
美 [ba?]英 [ba?]
  • prep.按照;经过;依;靠近
  • adv.经过;表示保留或保存时用;短暂拜访
  • n.〈美〉同“bye. by and again”
  • 网络乘;被;由



1.靠近;在…旁边near sb/sth; at the side of sb/sth; beside sb/sth

2.(常置于表示被动的动词后,表示施事者)used, usually after a passive verb, to show who or what does, creates or causes sth

3.(表示方式)used for showing how or in what way sth is done

4.(置于不带 the 的名词前,表示原因)由于used before particular nouns withoutthe , to say that sth happens as a result of sth

5.不迟于;在…之前not later than the time mentioned; before

6.经过past sb/sth

7.在…期间;处于某种状况during sth; in a particular situation

8.(表示程度、数量)used to show the degree or amount of sth

9.从…看;依;按照from what sth shows or says; according to sth

10.(表示触及或抓住的人或物的部分)used to show the part of sb/sth that sb touches, holds, etc.

11.(与 the 连用,表示时间或量度单位)used withthe to show the period or quantity used for buying, selling or measuring sth

12.(表示速率)used to state the rate at which sth happens

13.(表示尺寸时用)used to show the measurements of sth

14.(用于乘除运算)used when multiplying or dividing

15.(补充有关出生地、职业等的信息)used for giving more information about where sb comes from, what sb does, etc.

16.(起誓时用)以…的名义used when swearing to mean ‘in the name of’


by the by/bye

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七年级英语单词表 ... key ring 钥匙链 by ;被 fashion 时尚;潮流 ...

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