
美 [θ??k]英 [θ??k]
  • v.认为;想;思考;以为
  • n.想法;念头;〈方,口〉思考
  • adj.思想(方面)的;供思考的
  • 网络思索;谢谢洽谈六

过去式:thought 第三人称单数:thinks 现在分词:thinking



v. n.

有看法╱信念have opinion/belief

1.[t][i]认为;以为to have a particular idea or opinion about sth/sb; to believe sth

动脑筋use mind

2.[i][t]想;思考;思索;思想to use your mind to consider sth, to form connected ideas, to try to solve problems, etc.

3.[t]想;琢磨to have ideas, words or images in your mind


4.[t][nopass][i]猜想;想象;试想to form an idea of sth; to imagine sth


5.[t]料想;预料;预期to expect sth

以某种方式in a particular way

6.[i][t][nopass](informal)只想;一心想;对…着迷to think in a particular way or on a particular subject

表示生气╱吃惊showing anger/surprise

7.[t]~ (that)…(用于问句,表示生气或吃惊)used in questions to show that you are angry or surprised

不太肯定;较为婉转being less definite/more polite

8.[t][i]~ (that)…(用于使话语不太肯定或较为婉转)used to make sth you say sound less definite or more polite


9.[t][i]~ (that…)打算;想要;计划to intend sth; to have a plan about sth


10.[t]记得;想起to remember sth; to have sth come into your mind


come to think of it

(用于突然想起某事或认识到其重要性)想起来了,的确used when you suddenly remember sth or realize that it might be important

I dont think so

我想并非如此;我不这样认为;根本不可能used to say very strongly that you do not agree with sth, or that sth is not possible

if/when you think about it

(用以引起对不明显或未曾提到过的事情的注意)你想想看used to draw attention to a fact that is not obvious or has not previously been mentioned

I thought as much

我早料到了;果然不出我所料that is what I expected or suspected

think again

重新考虑后另作打算(常指最终改变主意)to consider a situation again and perhaps change your idea or intention

think aloud/out loud

自言自语;边想边说;进行有声思考to say what your thoughts are as you have them

think better of it/of doing sth

深思熟虑后决定不做;一想又改变主意to decide not to do sth after thinking further about it

think (the) better of sb

对某人有较高的评价to have a higher opinion of sb

think nothing of it

别在意;没什么;别客气used as a polite response when sb has said sorry to you or thanked you

think nothing of sth/of doing sth

不把…当一回事;对…等闲视之;觉得…无所谓to consider an activity to be normal and not particularly unusual or difficult

think on your feet

思维敏捷;反应迅速to be able to think and react to things very quickly and effectively without any preparation

think out of the box

跳出框框想问题;另辟蹊径to think about sth, or how to do sth, in a way that is new, different or shows imagination

think straight

思路清晰to think in a clear or logical way

think twice about sth/about doing sth

三思而行;慎重考虑后再决定to think carefully before deciding to do sth

think the world, highly, a lot, not much, poorly, little, etc. of sb/sth

对…评价高(或不高)to have a very good, poor, etc. opinion of sb/sth

to think (that…)

(表示惊讶)想想看,想想…吧used to show that you are surprised or shocked by sth

英语问题_百度知道 ... 6、about( 大概) 9、thinks) 10、sorry( 抱歉) ...


...肥皂泡一样离地飘浮起来。”温斯顿依此推理:“如果他认为(thinks)他已离地飘浮起来,如果我同时认为(think)我看到他离地飘 …


苗启源的部落格 ... Show( 展示) Thinks( 想法) Experience( 经验) ...




《Friends》词汇表A ... together adv. 共同, 一起, 合起来, 集拢地 thinks v. 想, 思索, 认为 ...


展会洽谈时的口语_阿里学院 ... 6. Think for your order 谢谢 7.Thinks 谢谢洽谈六: 1. Are you ready to sign? 可以签约了吗? ...




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