
美 [p?k]英 [p?k]
  • v.选择;挑选;摘;采
  • n.选择;挑选;精华;选中的人(或物)
  • 网络采摘;拾取;拨片

第三人称单数:picks 现在分词:picking 过去式:picked



v. n.

1.[t]选择;挑选to choose sb/sth from a group of people or things

2.[t]~ sth采;摘to take flowers, fruit, etc. from the plant or the tree where they are growing

3.[t](用手指)摘掉,剔除,掐去to pull or remove sth or small pieces of sth from sth else, especially with your fingers


pick and choose

挑拣;精挑细选to choose only those things that you like or want very much

pick sbs brains

讨教;请教;不断地问(以向别人学习)to ask sb a lot of questions about sth because they know more about the subject than you do

pick a fight/quarrel (with sb)

找茬儿;找麻烦;挑衅to deliberately start a fight or an argument with sb

pick holes in sth

挑刺儿;挑毛病;找漏洞to find the weak points in sth such as a plan, suggestion, etc.

pick a lock

(用铁丝等)捅开锁to open a lock without a key, using sth such as a piece of wire

pick sbs pocket

扒窃;掏包儿to steal sth from sb's pocket without them noticing

pick up the bill, tab, etc. (for sth)

付账to pay for sth

pick up the pieces

(使)恢复;补救;收拾残局to return or to help sb return to a normal situation, particularly after a shock or a disaster

pick up speed

加速to go faster

pick up the threads

恢复原状to return to an earlier situation or way of life after an interruption

pick your way (across, along, among, over, through sth)

择路而行;小心看着路行走to walk carefully, choosing the safest, driest, etc. place to put your feet

pick a winner

认定胜利者(如赛马中)to choose a horse, etc. that you think is most likely to win a race


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... piano n. 钢琴 pick v. 拾起,采集;挑选 picture n. 图片,画片,照片 ...

小学阶段英语动词过去式变化汇总表 ... paint 画 pick play 玩 ...


TC2.0 怎么用_百度知道 ... .Load( 加载) .Pick( 选择) .New( 新文件) ...


首页-崇明旅游网 ... 露营 CAMPING 采摘 PICK 垂钓 FISHING ...


Esp词汇资料 ... ter 到 pick 拾取 lig'i: 系 捆 ...


拨片(PICK)或手用手的话,拇指拨456弦(就是粗的那3根)食指拨3弦中指拨2弦无名指拨1弦(最细的)用拨片的话扫线要看谱的 …

许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... table n. 桌子 pick n. yes adv. 是的 ...




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