
美 [a?t]英 [a?t]
  • adv.出去;外出;离开;出于
  • n.出路;回避的方法;托辞
  • prep.〈美〉通过(门,窗等)而出;〈美口〉沿着…而去
  • adj.已公开同性恋身份的
  • int.〈古〉表示“愤慨”“谴责”等
  • v.揭露
  • 网络输出(output);开出;出局

第三人称单数:outs 现在分词:outing 过去式:outed



1.~ (of sth)(从…里)出来away from the inside of a place or thing

2.~ (of sth)不在家;不在工作地点;外出away from or not at home or their place of work

3.~ (of sth)出去;离开(某地)边缘away from the edge of a place

4.~ (of sth)远离(某地或陆地);离(某地或陆地)a long or a particular distance away from a place or from land

5.~ (of sth)除掉;清除used to show that sth/sb is removed from a place, job, etc.

6.~ of sth/sb(表示来源)从,用…制作used to show that sth comes from or is obtained from sth/sb

7.~ of sth没有;缺少used to show that sb/sth does not have any of sth

8.~ of sth(表示不在原状态)脱离,离开used to show that sb/sth is not or no longer in a particular state or condition

9.~ (of sth)(表示不再参与某事)脱离used to show that sb is no longer involved in sth

10.~ of sth(表示原因)因为,出于used to show the reason why sth is done

11.~ of sth从(某个数目或集)中from a particular number or set

12.不在图书馆;已借出not in the library; borrowed by sb else

13.在退潮期;退潮at or towards its lowest point on land

15.开放fully open

16.公开;发行available to everyone; known to everyone

17.大声地clearly and loudly so that people can hear

18.(informal)已公开同性恋身份having told other people that you are homosexual

19.出局if a team or team member isout , it is no longer their turn with the bat

20.出界if the ball isout , it landed outside the line

21.~ (in sth)错误;不准确not correct or exact; wrong

22.不可能;不允许not possible or not allowed

23.过时not fashionable

24.熄灭not or no longer burning or lit

25.结束at an end


28.到底;完全地to the end; completely


be out for sth/to do sth

试图得到(或做)to be trying to get or do sth

out and about

病愈后能外出走动able to go outside again after an illness

out of here

走;离去;离开going or leaving

out of it

(觉得自己是外人而)不是味儿sad because you are not included in sth


一般输出out)比输入(in)信号要高,这个与放大器增益和你的调试有关,br口是分支输出(不是检测口,一般放大器另有 …


开出大号数目偏多,估计这一期(1)大号码开出(Out)的数目还会维持在2 –3个,要点关心2个大号的奖号开出(Out),对比看好的 …




人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... late 晚 out 在外 talk 谈论 ...


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七年级英语单词表 ... late 晚;晚于通常时间 out 在外;向外 talk 谈话;谈论 ...




网站地图 友情链接:七天网络学习网